Our Organization

Touching the lives that matter the most.

Since 2003, the Sant Sanganeria Foundation for Health and Education (SFHE) is making a positive impact to the weaker sections of society. We tap into our inherent urge of giving back; and use it to address key issues that form the fabric of India’s socio-economic development – namely health and education.

We aspire to fund organisations that are committed to find creative and effective solutions to societal challenges. To do this, we initiate several rural programmes that drive appropriate education, promote better health for children and improve the financial stability of the community as a whole. We walk hand in hand with organisations that include NGOs, community organisations and philanthropists to achieve our objectives and steer transformation through sustainable development. Led by a similar goal, they partner us in resolving roadblocks, assessing our performance and chalking out a road map for the future. Today, we are driving change in New Delhi/NCR and Sikar in Rajasthan, with a larger vision to reach out to the needy across India. We believe that involving youth and volunteers in non-profits projects and absorbing into mainstream will result in measurable benefit to the disadvantaged sections of the community and leaves an enduring impact.


We believe that a community can only reach its potential by involving everyone including women and children in its social and economic life. That's why we build programmes to empower women and children, and focus on expanding access to education and providing critical healthcare to the needy. Apart from uplifting millions of women and children, our goal is also to build an old-age home for the destitute.


To promote an extensive culture of excellence and further our role in supporting an innovative and open society that aspires to develop sustainable human capacity, and social and economic prosperity for a knowledge-based economy.


Values We stand tall on a rock-bed of values that have stood by us through time. Fair|Accessible|Involved|Responsive

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