Bindu Thapa, a resident of Nepal, has been living in Delhi for the past 8 years. She works as a domestic help in nearby areas, while her husband works as a daily wager in a private company to earn a living. She has two children, studying in 2nd and 3rd classes at the Karkar School for the past 6 months. Her children used to attend another school initially, but their growing inhibitions in attending nearby school finally culminated in their dropping out. While the children stayed at home for nearly a year, Bindu and her husband kept racking their brains to find the best way to keep their children academically involved.
Finding a way with will
One day, they met a neighbour, who guided them to enrol their children to the Karkar School being run by Humana People to People India. They again took a chance and enrolled their children, against the kids’ will. Slowly and gradually, the kids started liking attending the School. With the growing fondness for the teachers and fellow students, Bindu realised that the irregularity and recklessness of the teachers at the previous school had led to the disinterest of the children in attending school. However, at the Karkar School, the polite nature and friendly manner of teaching attracts children, so much so that the children consider the teacher as their friends. Bindu further pointed out that the children take keen interest in completing their home work before going out to play. The hygiene education of the children at the school also has a deep impact, as the children keep guiding her at home to wash hands before cooking and eating. She, in a way likes to get these small lessons from the children, and instantly follows their word, which makes the children happy and proud about their learning.